MizzyDotion is a yo-yo trick…

MizzyDotion is a yo-yo trick I came up with around 2019/2020. It incorporates slack, string rejections, and some non-intuitive elements I enjoy mixing together. This is a fast and to the point tutorial breaking it down for those who want to learn it. Best of luck! Originally…

This tutorial builds off of the…

This tutorial builds off of the intro to yo-yoing tutorial I posted earlier. This is a tutorial for the yo-yo trick known as the sleeper, which is when you throw the yo-yo and let it spin at the end of the string. Almost every other yo-yo…

This is Intro to Yo-Yoing,…

This is Intro to Yo-Yoing, a lesson covering the absolute basics of the hobby. It covers the types of starter budget yo-yos you might find at your local dollar store (some grocery stores sell them too), adjust string length for your (or a child’s) height, how to…